A journal of two families trying to eat local pacific northwest foods for the month of August.

Why? To bring awareness, to support local farms and business, to eat healthier, try new foods...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Finger Snacks - Kale Chips

Tatum and I were munching on some yummy veggie bootie today (puffed rice snacks) and I realized that I have to find a good "local" replacement for finger snacks. I had a lot of Kale in the fridge that needed to be used asap. So I decided to make "Kale Chips".

They turned out pretty good. Here is a picture of Tatum's reaction to the kale chips...she said they were good, but then didn't want any more. Maybe she was just being nice. I didn't think they were half bad. Give it a try.

1 comment:

  1. Sustainable Eats here. Good for her for trying them - maybe with some more soy sauce. Sometimes you need a bridge for little ones to get them there. Nice job and thanks for linking in to Simple Lives Thursday!
