A journal of two families trying to eat local pacific northwest foods for the month of August.

Why? To bring awareness, to support local farms and business, to eat healthier, try new foods...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I was running around doing errands last night and I couldn't figure out where to eat. I stopped by the eat local store on Queen Anne. I bought squash lasagna for $13.98, about 12 flax crackers for $5.98 and the glass container for $5.98. I guess I just bring back the pan and either get store credit or keeping buying food in glass containers. It's like a milk bottle, she said. Whatever. From it, I did get dinner last night, lunch today and crackers as a snack yesterday and today. Still over 10 bucks a meal for one person. As someone trying to start a business, I won't be eating food from there very often. The dilemma is that it's really friggin good.

For tonight's dinner Tim cooked black bean burgers with root vegetables - beets, carrots - and string beans.It was delicious and earthly.

I am cooking tomorrow's dinner. I don't cook so the success of tomorrow's dinner will be dicey. There may be a lot of snacking after dinner. The menu includes

Spinach pasta (from that high price store on Queen Anne)
House Made Cinnamon Tomato Sauce
House Salad
Peasant Bread
Perhaps dessert.

Keep eating local. The tribal society is on it's way.

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