A journal of two families trying to eat local pacific northwest foods for the month of August.

Why? To bring awareness, to support local farms and business, to eat healthier, try new foods...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Dog-Days of Eating Local

I've certainly noticed a, shall we say, "drop-off" in blogging the last week as we muddle through mid-August here in Seattle. Perhaps we're all now accustomed to what it's going to take to get through the month eating locally. Perhaps we're backsliding a bit (moi?) and are not taking it as seriously as we were in the first few weeks. Perhaps the Stumbling Goat represented the zenith of the experiment?

For me it's been a combination of all three. And while I've had my fill of tomato sandwiches for the month, I'm getting comfortable with where I can find local products, which is definitely a revelation, and something that I'll take beyond this month.

I'm also backsliding just a little--and some days more than a little. As I realized right at the outset of this experiment, eating local can be really hard, and takes a LOT more advance planning. I definitely realize how much I've prioritzed "easy" food.

And as we're all still talking about that dinner at the "Goat," I keep thinking that maybe we should have saved it for the end of the month, it really was THAT good--and I don't think we'll get that good for the rest of the month.

We're giving ourselves a day "off" tomorrow as we spend the day on a plane heading to Hawaii, but are going to pick up the cause with a ton of great fruit, Maui onions, Kauai grass fed cattle, and anything else we can scrounge up for the next week until September 1st, when we break-out the Ben and Jerry's!

Aloha and Mahalo!

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